Our SGR year has officially begun, and we are certainly busy! Several members took part in the field trip to the Avenir Museum at CSU on Saturday, September 14th. What a great opportunity to see our financial support in use! Dr. Knowles brought out the Adan sampler (which SGR donated funds for research and photo documentation), a newly donated expertly stitched sampler, as well as several other pieces of exquisitely embroidered items of clothing for us to marvel at! It was a great day with a lot of information shared and much comradery!
At this month’s meeting, we will host our annual Stash Sale! Come prepared with coffee, stash-enhancing motivation, and funds! The Stash Sale is a big part our organization’s ability to provide outstanding programs each year. This meeting is also the last opportunity to sign up for fun and challenging needlework projects selected for this year. Kim will have sign-up sheets available again this month for anyone interested in participating in the Challenge Projects and/or the UFO (unfinished object) group. November’s meeting will be extra special! Kim has arranged for a very special multi-media presentation by none other than Nicola Parkman, Hands Across the Sea Samplers! The presentation will begin promptly at 2:30 so don’t be late!
The first Service Project will be held at our December 8th meeting, so please take note as we are blending it with our delightful Christmas Tea. We will support Toy for Tots again this year so watch for those toy sales and let’s see if we can collect as many toys as last year!
In case some of you need a bit of eye candy to get you through to our stash sale, make sure to take a look at this year’s Just Cross Stitch Christmas Ornament edition! There are lots of lovely ornaments to choose from by all your favorite designers plus some new designers! This edition is hot off the press so there is plenty of time to pick an ornament and stitch it up with time to spare before our Christmas Tea and ornament exchange in December.
As a reminder, the church doors will open at 2pm for members with the meeting called to order promptly at 2:30. The business portion of the meeting will conclude by 3pm at which time we will begin our Program/Stash Sale.
Until next time, TTFN!