As 2017 comes to an end, many people find this the perfect time to consider making changes in their lives. As a stitcher, I have yet to meet the stitching and finishing goals I set for myself each year, this one included! So rather than set new goals with new projects, I’ve decided to focus on the projects I’ve already started and see how many of them I can wrap up. I have three large unfinished projects and my goal is to complete them by June and have them off to be framed! We will see how I do!
But before the New Year begins, many thanks go out to all of the ladies who helped make our Christmas Tea such a wonderful and festive celebration. The tables and decorations were lovely, the food was delicious, and all of the participants who shared their beautiful hand-stitched ornaments in the exchange were delightful! Barbara and Doris did an amazing job of coordinating the entire affair! Thank you so much to everyone for making our meeting such a merry event.
For those of you who are interested in adding in a new project and enjoy the element of surprise, perhaps consider the 2018 Mystery Stitch a Long (SAL) from Linen and Threads (linenandthreads.com). Their 2017 Mystery SAL had over 8,000 stitchers participating from around the world! The design was stunning and can be viewed on their website. If you plan on participating in the 2018 project, please email me and let me know. We would love to get a group going here locally and Christine Hause from A Stitching Shop has graciously agreed to allow a group to meet at her shop on the first Sunday of each month beginning in February. If you aren’t interested in the 2018 Mystery SAL but would still like to participate in the first Sunday group, feel free to join in and work on any sampler you have underway. We will start at 10am and go to ???
Until next time, Happy stitching!
Danielle Gavito, President